Class AnimationFactory


public class AnimationFactory extends Object
The AnimationFactory is used to determine which animations should be used for individual objects. It does so by comparing e (previous entities and their location in World) to e' (latest set of entitites and their location in World). By comparing the individual objects changes in location (and whether they still exist / are in the world) allow us to determine which animations to use.
  • Constructor Details

    • AnimationFactory

      public AnimationFactory(World world)
  • Method Details

    • setDisplayInformation

      public void setDisplayInformation(Class cl, DisplayInformation di)
    • requestUpdate

      public void requestUpdate()
    • getImages

      public List<Callable<BufferedImage>> getImages(int length)
      Generates renders of animation sets for the next simulation step
      length - is the amount of images to generate
      a list of callable bufferedimages, generatable