All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form
- acquireRenderPermit() - Method in class itumulator.display.Canvas
Acquire a new render permit (total permits acccording to RENDER_PERMITS)
- act(World) - Method in interface itumulator.simulator.Actor
The method called whenever the actor needs to simulate actions.
- Actor - Interface in itumulator.simulator
- add(AnimationFrame) - Method in class itumulator.display.animation.components.AnimationSet
- add(Object) - Method in class
Adds an object to the world without placing it on the map.
- Animation - Class in itumulator.display.animation.components
An abstract representation of an animation which produces individual draw actions (
). - Animation(ObjectInformation, Location, int) - Constructor for class itumulator.display.animation.components.Animation
- Animation(ObjectInformation, Location, int, boolean) - Constructor for class itumulator.display.animation.components.Animation
- AnimationFactory - Class in itumulator.display.animation
The AnimationFactory is used to determine which animations should be used for individual objects.
- AnimationFactory(World) - Constructor for class itumulator.display.animation.AnimationFactory
- AnimationFrame - Class in itumulator.display.animation.components
A class representing the drawing of a single object for a single frame (using
). - AnimationFrame(ObjectInformation, Point2DInt) - Constructor for class itumulator.display.animation.components.AnimationFrame
- AnimationFrame(ObjectInformation, Point2DInt, int) - Constructor for class itumulator.display.animation.components.AnimationFrame
- AnimationFrame(BufferedImage, Point2DInt) - Constructor for class itumulator.display.animation.components.AnimationFrame
- animationLength - Variable in class itumulator.display.animation.components.Animation
- AnimationSet - Class in itumulator.display.animation.components
AnimationSets are used to parallelise the drawing of individual frames (by aggregating different object drawings, i.e.,
) - AnimationSet() - Constructor for class itumulator.display.animation.components.AnimationSet
- AppearAnimation - Class in itumulator.display.animation.components
An animation that makes an object appear.
- AppearAnimation(ObjectInformation, Location, int) - Constructor for class itumulator.display.animation.components.AppearAnimation
- call() - Method in class itumulator.display.animation.components.AnimationSet
- Canvas - Class in itumulator.display
Provides a canvas painting the various objects within our world.
- Canvas(World, int, boolean) - Constructor for class itumulator.display.Canvas
- Cloud - Class in itumulator.display.overlay
A class to support the drawing of clouds
- Cloud(int) - Constructor for class itumulator.display.overlay.Cloud
- compareTo(Animation) - Method in class itumulator.display.animation.components.Animation
Compare order according to nonBlocking nature of objects.
- contains(Object) - Method in class
Determines whether an object exists in world
- containsNonBlocking(Location) - Method in class
Determines whether a specified location contains a non-blocking object.
- DayNightAnimation - Class in itumulator.display.animation.components
A special case animation used to show the sun / moon cycle.
- DayNightAnimation(int, boolean, boolean, int) - Constructor for class itumulator.display.animation.components.DayNightAnimation
- DayNightHelper - Class in itumulator.display.utility
Utility to produce the display of day/night cycle
- DayNightHelper() - Constructor for class itumulator.display.utility.DayNightHelper
- delete(Object) - Method in class
Completely removes an object from the world, both from the map and the world's entity list.
- DisplayInformation - Class in itumulator.executable
An abstraction used to determine the visual appearance of objects within the simulation.
- DisplayInformation(Color) - Constructor for class itumulator.executable.DisplayInformation
Only display using a color.
- DisplayInformation(Color, String) - Constructor for class itumulator.executable.DisplayInformation
Display using an image (and color when image is not applicable).
- DisplayInformation(Color, String, boolean) - Constructor for class itumulator.executable.DisplayInformation
Display using an image (and color when image is not applicable), allowing you to choose whether an icon can face a random direction.
- draw(Graphics) - Method in class itumulator.display.animation.components.AnimationFrame
Draws the part of the frame on a graphics element associated to the object it represents.
- draw(Graphics) - Method in class itumulator.display.overlay.Cloud
- DynamicDisplayInformationProvider - Interface in itumulator.executable
By implementing this interface, an object can dynamically control a objects display information at runtime.
- equals(Object) - Method in class
Allows comparison of two locations according to their x,y coordinates
- Frame - Class in itumulator.display
- Frame(Canvas, Simulator, int, boolean) - Constructor for class itumulator.display.Frame
- frameCount - Variable in class itumulator.display.animation.components.Animation
- getAll(Class<T>, Collection<Location>) - Method in class
Returns all objects at a location which is an instance of the type given, or an empty set if none matches the type.
- getCanvas() - Method in class itumulator.executable.Program
Provides the canvas itself, responsible for drawing contents (Not necessary to execute the simulation).
- getColor() - Method in class itumulator.display.animation.ObjectInformation
- getColor() - Method in class itumulator.executable.DisplayInformation
Get the color.
- getCurrentLocation() - Method in class
Provides the current location of the world.
- getCurrentTime() - Method in class
Provides the current time of day
- getDayDuration() - Static method in class
Provides the amount of day time ticks
- getDelay() - Method in class itumulator.executable.Program
Get the current delay (in ms)
- getDelay() - Method in class itumulator.simulator.Simulator
Provides the current delay
- getDisplaySize() - Method in class itumulator.display.utility.IsomorphicCoordinateFactory
- getEmptySurroundingTiles() - Method in class
Get tiles which are not filled surrounding the current location (as defined by
) andisTileEmpty(Location)
). - getEmptySurroundingTiles(Location) - Method in class
Retrieves a set of locations immediately surrounding the specified location that are 'empty'.
- getEntities() - Method in class
Gets all objects within the world (including those who do not currently reside on the map).
- getFrame() - Method in class itumulator.executable.Program
Provides the frame itself, responsible for buttons (Not necessary to execute the simulation).
- getFrame(int) - Method in class itumulator.display.animation.components.Animation
- getFrame(int) - Method in class itumulator.display.animation.components.AppearAnimation
- getFrame(int) - Method in class itumulator.display.animation.components.DayNightAnimation
- getFrame(int) - Method in class itumulator.display.animation.components.HideAnimation
- getFrame(int) - Method in class itumulator.display.animation.components.MoveAnimation
- getFrame(int) - Method in class itumulator.display.animation.components.StillAnimation
- getImage() - Method in class itumulator.display.animation.ObjectInformation
- getImage(String) - Method in class itumulator.display.utility.ImageResourceCache
- getImageKey() - Method in class itumulator.executable.DisplayInformation
Get the imageKey of the image.
- getImages(int) - Method in class itumulator.display.animation.AnimationFactory
Generates renders of animation sets for the next simulation step
- getInformation() - Method in class itumulator.display.animation.ObjectInformation
- getInformation() - Method in interface itumulator.executable.DynamicDisplayInformationProvider
Should provide
to determine the visualization of the object. - getIsoLocation(Location) - Method in class itumulator.display.utility.IsomorphicCoordinateFactory
- getIsoLocation(Location, int, int) - Static method in class itumulator.display.utility.IsomorphicUtility
- getIsoPolygon(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class itumulator.display.utility.IsomorphicUtility
- getLocation() - Method in class itumulator.display.animation.components.Animation
- getLocation(Object) - Method in class
Retrieves the current location of a specified object within the world.
- getNonBlocking(Location) - Method in class
Retrieves a non-blocking object from a specified location.
- getRandomDirection() - Method in class itumulator.executable.DisplayInformation
Get whether or not the orientation of the image can be randomized.
- getScaledImage(BufferedImage) - Method in class itumulator.display.utility.IsomorphicCoordinateFactory
- getScaledImage(Image, int, int) - Static method in class itumulator.display.utility.ImageUtility
- getSimulator() - Method in class itumulator.executable.Program
Provides the simulator itself, responsible for execution of simulations (Not necessary to execute the simulation).
- getSize() - Method in class itumulator.executable.Program
Provides the size of the world
- getSize() - Method in class
Provides the size of the world (it is square)
- getSteps() - Method in class itumulator.simulator.Simulator
Provides the amount of iteration steps executed
- getSurroundingTiles() - Method in class
Get immediate tiles surrounding the current location (as defined by
). - getSurroundingTiles(int) - Method in class
Get tiles (up to the radius provided) surrounding the current location which are not filled (as defined by
). - getSurroundingTiles(Location) - Method in class
Retrieves a set of locations immediately surrounding the specified location, including diagonals.
- getSurroundingTiles(Location, int) - Method in class
Retrieves a set of locations surrounding the specified location within a given radius.
- getTile(Location) - Method in class
Retrieves an object from a specified location, prioritizing blocking objects over non-blocking ones.
- getTileHeight() - Method in class itumulator.display.utility.IsomorphicCoordinateFactory
- getTiles() - Method in class
Retrieves a copy of the three-dimensional array representing the current state of the world map.
- getTileWidth() - Method in class itumulator.display.utility.IsomorphicCoordinateFactory
- getTotalDayDuration() - Static method in class
Provides the total amount of ticks of a day
- getWorld() - Method in class itumulator.executable.Program
Provides the world which this program concerns itself with.
- getX() - Method in class itumulator.display.utility.Point2DInt
- getX() - Method in class
Gets the x coordinate of the location
- getY() - Method in class itumulator.display.utility.Point2DInt
- getY() - Method in class
Gets the y coordinate of the location
- hashCode() - Method in class
Provides a hash value of the location based on their x,y coordinates (assuming no larger coordinates than 1000).
- HideAnimation - Class in itumulator.display.animation.components
An animation that makes an object dissapear (used on 'remove' within
). - HideAnimation(ObjectInformation, Location, int) - Constructor for class itumulator.display.animation.components.HideAnimation
- ImageResourceCache - Class in itumulator.display.utility
A class to allow caching of all images in resource folder.
- ImageUtility - Class in itumulator.display.utility
Utility for scaling images.
- ImageUtility() - Constructor for class itumulator.display.utility.ImageUtility
- initialize(int) - Method in class itumulator.display.utility.DayNightHelper
- Instance() - Static method in class itumulator.display.utility.ImageResourceCache
- Instance() - Static method in class itumulator.display.utility.IsomorphicCoordinateFactory
- interpolate(Point2DInt, double) - Method in class itumulator.display.utility.Point2DInt
Interpolates between two pixel point 2d with rounding
- isDay() - Method in class
Provides an indicator of whether it is day.
- isGroundObject() - Method in class itumulator.display.animation.ObjectInformation
- isIsomorphic() - Method in class itumulator.display.Canvas
- isNight() - Method in class
Provides an indicator of whether it is night.
- IsomorphicCoordinateFactory - Class in itumulator.display.utility
Utility to generate iso perspective coordinates for squares.
- IsomorphicUtility - Class in itumulator.display.utility
Utility for producing isomorphic coordinates (in the form of polygons and points)
- IsomorphicUtility() - Constructor for class itumulator.display.utility.IsomorphicUtility
- isOnTile(Object) - Method in class
Determines whether an object is placed on a tile
- isRunning() - Method in class itumulator.simulator.Simulator
Provides a status of whether
is currently being executed. - isTileEmpty(Location) - Method in class
Checks if a specified location is empty.
- itumulator.display - package itumulator.display
- itumulator.display.animation - package itumulator.display.animation
- itumulator.display.animation.components - package itumulator.display.animation.components
- itumulator.display.overlay - package itumulator.display.overlay
- itumulator.display.utility - package itumulator.display.utility
- itumulator.executable - package itumulator.executable
- itumulator.simulator - package itumulator.simulator
- - package
- location - Variable in class itumulator.display.animation.components.Animation
- Location - Class in
Provides an abstraction to deal with coordinates (x,y) and compare them.
- Location(int, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a new location
- move(Object, Location) - Method in class
Moves an object from its current location to a new location.
- MoveAnimation - Class in itumulator.display.animation.components
An animation used to indicate that an object is moving
- MoveAnimation(ObjectInformation, Location, int, Location) - Constructor for class itumulator.display.animation.components.MoveAnimation
- next() - Method in class itumulator.display.animation.components.Animation
- NonBlocking - Interface in
By implementing this interface, other actors / objects within the world may exist on top of it.
- ObjectInformation - Class in itumulator.display.animation
Wrapping class to associate more information with objects than simply their display information provider.
- ObjectInformation(Object) - Constructor for class itumulator.display.animation.ObjectInformation
- ObjectInformation(Object, DisplayInformation) - Constructor for class itumulator.display.animation.ObjectInformation
- oi - Variable in class itumulator.display.animation.components.Animation
- OverlayCanvas - Class in itumulator.display.overlay
A class to show the overlay (i.e., buttons, information)
- OverlayCanvas(int, boolean) - Constructor for class itumulator.display.overlay.OverlayCanvas
- overrideSort - Variable in class itumulator.display.animation.components.Animation
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class itumulator.display.Canvas
Override of the paintComponent to deplete from the queue of images left to render.
- paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class itumulator.display.overlay.OverlayCanvas
- paintImage() - Method in class itumulator.display.Canvas
Paints the proper image depending on whether we are showing grid or isomorphic view (with a delay of 0)
- paintImage(int) - Method in class itumulator.display.Canvas
Paints the proper image depending on whether we are showing grid or isomorphic view.
- Point2DInt - Class in itumulator.display.utility
Utility class to produce points
- Point2DInt(int, int) - Constructor for class itumulator.display.utility.Point2DInt
- Program - Class in itumulator.executable
Sets up the program to run simulations.
- Program(int, int, int) - Constructor for class itumulator.executable.Program
Produces a new program.
- reduceImgQueue() - Method in class itumulator.display.Canvas
To speed up the process of pausing, you can reduce the amount of remaining frames (according to SLOW_DOWN_FRAMES).
- remove(Object) - Method in class
Removes an object from its current location on the map, but retains its existence in the world.
- render(boolean) - Method in class itumulator.display.overlay.OverlayCanvas
- requestUpdate() - Method in class itumulator.display.animation.AnimationFactory
- run() - Method in class itumulator.executable.Program
Executes rounds of simulation using the delay (in ms) given.
- run() - Method in class itumulator.simulator.Simulator
Executes simulation steps in a parallel process.
- setCurrentLocation(Location) - Method in class
Sets the location which is deemed as the 'current' location.
- setDay() - Method in class
Sets the time to day.
- setDelay(int) - Method in class itumulator.executable.Program
Adjust the delay (in ms) between
executions - setDelay(int) - Method in class itumulator.simulator.Simulator
Updates the delay to be used.
- setDisplayInformation(Class, DisplayInformation) - Method in class itumulator.display.animation.AnimationFactory
- setDisplayInformation(Class, DisplayInformation) - Method in class itumulator.display.Canvas
Decide on the graphical representation of objects when shown within the GUI.
- setDisplayInformation(Class, DisplayInformation) - Method in class itumulator.executable.Program
Decide on the graphical representation of objects when shown within the GUI.
- setFrame(Frame) - Method in class itumulator.simulator.Simulator
Sets the containing frame to allow updating of meta world information (day/night cycle).
- setIsomorphic(boolean) - Method in class itumulator.display.Canvas
Boolean to control whether to render isomorphic or topdown
- setNight() - Method in class
Sets the time of the world to beginning of night, according to IS_DAY_TIME.
- setTile(Location, Object) - Method in class
Places a given object at a specified location on the map.
- setupFactory(int, int) - Static method in class itumulator.display.utility.IsomorphicCoordinateFactory
- setX(int) - Method in class itumulator.display.utility.Point2DInt
- setY(int) - Method in class itumulator.display.utility.Point2DInt
- show() - Method in class itumulator.executable.Program
Used to initially show the graphical interface.
- simulate() - Method in class itumulator.executable.Program
Executes a single 'step' of simulation.
- simulate() - Method in class itumulator.simulator.Simulator
Simulate am iteration.
- Simulator - Class in itumulator.simulator
Simulator handles the execution of actual simulations and keeps track of how many steps have been executed (Not required to execute and build simulations).
- Simulator(World, Canvas, int) - Constructor for class itumulator.simulator.Simulator
Initializes a new simulation based on an existing world, canvas, and initial delay.
- startRender() - Method in class itumulator.display.overlay.OverlayCanvas
- step() - Method in class
Increases the step of the world to progress time.
- StillAnimation - Class in itumulator.display.animation.components
An animation used to show no change to an object.
- StillAnimation(ObjectInformation, Location, int) - Constructor for class itumulator.display.animation.components.StillAnimation
- stop() - Method in class itumulator.simulator.Simulator
Stops an execution of
. - stopRender() - Method in class itumulator.display.overlay.OverlayCanvas
- toString() - Method in class
Provides the location in a string format of (x, y).
- update(boolean) - Method in class itumulator.display.utility.DayNightHelper
- updateDayNightLabel(boolean) - Method in class itumulator.display.Frame
- updateStepLabel(int) - Method in class itumulator.display.Frame
- World - Class in
The World class provides an abstraction for our simulated worlds.
- World(int) - Constructor for class
initializes a World with a map of size.
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form